CanDo Over-Door Shoulder Pulley Exercisers

CanDo Over-Door Shoulder Pulley Exercisers

CanDo Over-Door Shoulder Pulley Exercisers

The CanDo Heavy-Duty Shoulder Pulley Exercisers, designed for over-the-door use, aims to enhance shoulder range of motion. These pulleys come in various styles, including double door brackets, door disc anchors, door clamps, and door jamb nub anchors. They are equipped with either color-coded Visualizer rope and motion limiter or standard rope, enabling users to attain specific pre-defined levels of range of motion. Featuring swivel hooks for smooth pulley action and large foam handles for a comfortable grip, each pulley is accompanied by extra-long rope suitable for both standing and seated positions. Additionally, every exerciser includes an instructions pamphlet and retail packaging as standard.

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