Acupuncture is a holistic therapy that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to balance energy flow and promote healing. It offers numerous benefits, including pain relief, stress reduction, improved digestion, better sleep quality, and a stronger immune system. This ancient practice is used by individuals seeking to manage pain, reduce stress, address digestive issues, improve sleep, and enhance their overall well-being.
SEIRIN J-15 Acupuncture Needles, 0.12 x 15 mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 3-foot, White (0.3 - 1.5 lbs)110627- SKU:
- 110627
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 2 weeks
- Weight:
- 0.20 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-ProPak Acupuncture Needles, Size 3 (0.20mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Black (20 - 45 lbs)110626- SKU:
- 110626
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-ProPak Acupuncture Needles, Size 1 (0.16mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Blue (14 - 34 lbs)110625- SKU:
- 110625
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 8 (0.30mm) x 60mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Red (12 - 31 lbs)110621- SKU:
- 110621
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 8 (0.30mm) x 50mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Green (8 - 24 lbs)110620- SKU:
- 110620
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 8 (0.30mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Yellow (5 - 14 lbs)110619- SKU:
- 110619
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 8 (0.30mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Silver (3 - 8 lbs)110618- SKU:
- 110618
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 5 (0.25mm) x 60mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Brown (2.5 - 5.5 lbs)110617- SKU:
- 110617
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 5 (0.25mm) x 50mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Burgundy (1.5 - 4.5 lbs)110616- SKU:
- 110616
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 5 (0.25mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, Tan (1 - 2.3 lbs)110615- SKU:
- 110615
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 5 (0.25mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 2-foot, White (0.3 - 1.5 lbs)110614- SKU:
- 110614
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 4 (0.23mm) x 50mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Black (20 - 45 lbs)110613- SKU:
- 110613
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 4 (0.23mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Blue (14 - 34 lbs)110612- SKU:
- 110612
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 4 (0.23mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Red (12 - 31 lbs)110611- SKU:
- 110611
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 3 (0.20mm) x 50mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Green (8 - 24 lbs)110610- SKU:
- 110610
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 3 (0.20mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Yellow (5 - 14 lbs)110609- SKU:
- 110609
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 3 (0.20mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Silver (3 - 8 lbs)110608- SKU:
- 110608
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 2 (0.18mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Brown (2.5 - 5.5 lbs)110607- SKU:
- 110607
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 2 (0.18mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Burgundy (1.5 - 4.5 lbs)110606- SKU:
- 110606
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 1 (0.16mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, Tan (1 - 2.3 lbs)110605- SKU:
- 110605
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 1 (0.16mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$20.00MediCordz Modular Tubing 1.5-foot, White (0.3 - 1.5 lbs)110604- SKU:
- 110604
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$20.00 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 0/01 (0.14mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Combination Mounting Loop110603- SKU:
- 110603
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 0/01 (0.14mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Door Mount, Each110602- SKU:
- 110602
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 00/02 (0.12mm) x 40mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Handle, Each110601- SKU:
- 110601
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
SEIRIN J-Type Acupuncture Needles, Size 00/02 (0.12mm) x 30mm, Box of 100 Needles
$22.50MediCordz Padded Thigh Strap, X-Large110600- SKU:
- 110600
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.25 LBS
$22.50 -
Vinco-Blister Acu Needle, 100/box, #32 x 3.0 inch
$897.50MediCordz Padded Thigh Strap, Large110308- SKU:
- 110308
- Availability:
- Typically Ships in 3 days
- Weight:
- 0.50 LBS